Two orphaned brothers have run away to Venice, where crumbling canals and misty alleyways shelter a secret community of street urchins. The leader of this motley crew of lost children is a clever, charming boy who calls himself the Thief Lord.
And he has a dark secret. Something from a forgotten past that pases a threat to the boys' freedom: a treasure so enchanted, it can spin time...

My Review:
This was an interesting and intriguing read. The story is spun so delicately that you are never quite sure what is around the corner. You never see the end coming, but you are both surprised and pleased at how things turn out. 

Age Stamp:

Prosper, the main character, has a good conscience. He is never comfortable with the fact that the orphans steal to stay alive. During the entire book he strives to protect his brother, and do the right thing regardless of what the others tell him. The book is well written, the setting spectacular in how richly detailed it's described. The magical element is not introduced until later, and has a strange historical quality to it.

I can't think of many cons for this book. The fact that the children steal may turn some people off, but it doesn't stay that way throughout the story. There is a lot of secrecy, and parents don't play a major role in the book. 

Publisher info, Other Versions, Series Titles & Curriculum:
This is a single volume and was published by Chicken House publishers in 2001. 

It's not a part of any known curriculum

My Ratings:

Violence:[#] [
Fear Factor: @
Romance: 0
Language: [!] maybe one or two very mild ones
Christian: (No)
Mature Themes:X
My Rating: ****


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